Sunday, November 10, 2013

Just for the Halibut-Chamber Agenda 11 12 2013


Bayview Chamber of Commerce

November 12, 2013

1)      Opening

a)      Call to order at 7:00pm

b)      Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

c)      Welcome members and guests

d)     Approval and consent of agenda

e)      Approve Minutes of previous meeting


2)      Announcements and Correspondence:

a)      Christmas- Cookies and Cocoa with Santa-need cookies please

1.      Event will be 12/14/2013 At Community Center 5:30 pm

2.      Judy Gullidge will provide music. Anyone would like to join call Judy

@ 683-0914.

b)      Outside Christmas tree lights will be turned on during Santa event

c)      The Chamber will sponsor the Christmas light contest again this year.

3)      Reports

a)      Treasure (separate handout)

b)      2014 Budget

c)      Sheriffs latest report can be found on the Bayview Chambers of Commerce Web site,

d)     Current standing committees

1.      DAC-Tom Lloyd

2.      Fisheries Report & Bylaws and Standing Rules-Tom Lloyd

3.      Citizens Emergency Response Group & No Wake Zone – Chuck Waller

4.      Bayview Park and Farragut Communications-Chuck Murray

5.      Nomination Committee- Sheryl Puckett/Ted Bare

4)    Business

i)        Old business

(a)    Vote to approve amendments to Standing Rules as presented

1.      Prorate Business Dues for first year membership

2.      Add Board Duty to select Business or Individual of the Year.

ii)      New business

(a)    Possible young adult support

5)      Chamber activities

(a)    Christmas party for children

(b)   Tree lighting

(c)    Judge town Christmas Lights


Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The first LOU was held today. After a busy morning in CDA with no success in getting my new glasses fixed, which is another story, I had the pleasure of again meeting with old friends and new for lunch at the Community Center. The meal as usual, was excellent, complimented with many delicious desserts made by our local kitchens.

LOU will of course meet again next Wednesday and carry through until spring. The next month’s menu are:  Nov 13th chicken enchiladas; Nov. 20th RIBS; Nov. 27th, Traditional Thanksgiving Day Dinner.

If you know of a person who is a shut-in and needs a lunch please let Jackie Lloyd know, 683-1680. Arrangements can be made to deliver a lunch to those who cannot leave their home.

Movie night is back at The Community Center and very successful, bring a comfortable chair and enjoy a free evening of entertainment. The next movie will be featured on the 15th, “Water for the Elephant.”

I have been suspiciously absent from my blogspot of late. I had planned on a scathing article about respect but decided this would not be worth the effort and certainly not the direction I choose to go.

My sister was recently diagnosed with fast moving small cell cancer. The cancer is in her lungs and has traveled to her brain. She had a seizure one evening, her daughter discovered that my sister had spent the night on the floor. I took a hasty trip to Kentucky to help my niece move my sister to her home, since she can no longer be alone.

I have nothing really profound to write about but do find myself at times being overwhelmed. Quite possibly my own mortality staring me in the face! Seems my father’s family all have had some sort of cancer related death exacerbated with the over consumption of alcohol. My mother’s side of the family succumbed to either alcoholism or heart disease. Mom started smoking when she started the change of life but lived until she was 87.

After spending time in Kentucky I once again returned home knowing full well that I am truly blessed. Sounds mushy and gushy but we have three great children. My husband is the best and I live in a beautiful area that is mostly populated by wonderful people with a couple of folks who live in Bayview and I am not sure why because they are either always angry or frustrated. With that having been said I am including a picture that I found on facebook for “Grinch Kabobs”.

Tis the season to be jolly!
Norma Jean