Friday, September 23, 2011

September Equinox

Seems that I have largely ignored my musings, time has slipped away, and I find that fall is upon us. Sure could not tell that today, the day was very warm.

For those of you following  Yvonne Wallis and Herb Huseland's assistance I have started a fund for him. Herb took money out of his pocket, he is living on a fixed income, and drove Yvonne to Seattle for her recent medical care. Anyone who wishes to assist can either contact Dean or myself and we will make sure that Herb gets the donation. Our home telephone number is 208-683-1980 or you can send donations to PO Box 422, Bayview, ID 83803.

On another subject:

I am wondering just who the new owners are for Boileau's 83 slips. Will a new personality bring a much needed shot of new life to Bayview? Is it possible that with the start of cooler fall temperatures, Bayview will find new fresh winds blowing into the marina area. Will the Grinch finally find his match?

Who are the new owners? Is it possibly ....
Just who are the new owners?
Will post as soon as I find out. Nice to have another personality along the waterfront.

As always,

Norma Jean, the one with rose colored glasses
Dean, the retired person
All four legged critters
And as always many blessing, God be with you!

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